Its spring time and the sakura trees are in bloom. A strong breeze catches the petals and flings them into the air where they do a dance I call it the zephyr. They float along to the sounds of Sati while I watch from my window. I look across at the house opposite me, I see her standing at the window, a room with a view. She holds her baby up to the pane willing him to look down at his father starting up his motor cycle. He waves at his family and then turns towards the beast. I wonder if the thought crosses her mind that this might be the last time she’ll see him… She looks nervous sometimes and forces him to take the car. The baby makes everything different, its not for me, its for him she thinks…how many times have I heard this thought repeated in the minds of mothers world over. Suddenly life becomes about this little bundle of life that’s come into the world. Nothing else matters except the sacred bond that binds blood to blood. I turn around and get back to my reality. No motorcycles or bonds for me, at least not here and not now because I choose to do it that way. I am powerful you see.
I wonder what I want to be today. The philanthropist? The employee? The disruptor? The accomplice? The jester?
I turn up the volume on my ipod, yes I’m mindful of the people who live below me. I’m the good neighbor, I am benign.
I am powerful. I decide who I want to be . I decide if I want to walk in front of that bus if it takes my fancy. I do a little dance and sing on top of my lungs while I walk in the direction of home or where ever in the world I want to be. It’s springtime, the weather’s balmy. I can stop or start, turn left or right, skip of hop. Its all up to me, I am the master of my body, my mind, of me
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