Do I or do I not join the ipad ranks? Do I or do I not succumb to the totally unfounded notion that I need to have the ability to connect on the move, over and above my ‘always on’ smart phone. Will I become a walking talking font of creativity if I have my fondle slab’s in grabbing distance incase that life changing idea strikes me and I need to record it before it flitters away. I think not…
However there are some that would vehemently disagree especially those who queue up for hours outside the Apple store four times in a row to get the ipad 2 and still don’t manage to. Why on earth would anyone waste four evenings of their lives (especially pertinent for us who’re not getting any younger) waiting to get their paws on something that’s going to be out of date in 3 or 4 months anyways? Do you or do you not shell out 500 big one’s to feel cheated in a few months? Yet another of life’s existential questions.
I for one will probably fall prey to the onslaught of the pad. Not because I’m a follower of the cult of Jobs but because technology has a way of molding the environment we live in. You either get on board or get left behind. Imagine a world where Facebook currency is legal tender. Paulo alto replaces DC. Zuckerberg runs for president. Scary thought for some (ok maybe the Zuckerberg bit would be) but for other’s it means a world where we’re a global village, boundaries become redundant, connectivity is a human right and we’re all plugged into making the world a better place. Orwellian night-mare or Utopian dream. I choose the latter…do you?
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