My love affair with the most romantic city in the world began back in 1998 after watching a movie called ‘French kiss’ starring Meg Ryan
I watched wide-eyed while she fell in love with Kevin Klyne, totally stereo typed as a typical Gallic stallion sexy accent and all …that kinda explains it I think.
Then came my first brush with the real Paris, through the eyes of Adam Gopnik and Sarah Turnbull. Both ex-pat writers living in Paris, one American and the other Aussie. ‘From Paris to the moon’ and ‘Almost French’ became my survival hand book for the year I lived there. They came to stand for two extremely educational views on this beautiful city and its supremely elegant dwellers.
Even though it was a long time ago, there are some sights, smells and sounds that will be etched in my memory forever. For all you francophile’s out there, here’s a little taste of ‘my’ Paris
In a city where form determines function, imbibing the art of French ‘savoir fare’ took some getting used to. I mean where else will you get a manual in the box when you buy a scarf?
There’s a richness to the French way of doing things. Picnics on the banks on the Siene watching the sun set over the Notre Dame cathedral are complemented with a wonderfully frivolous beaujeaulous noveau, a rarity in this side of the world,
Fabulously simple meals enjoyed in neighborhood bistros take on a new meaning. While on the other hand Michelin starred chef's make combining tastes an art form.
Smelling mouldy sock odours becomes quite a pleasure when it takes the form of French cheeses.
Then there's the Jardin Luxemborg, with the famous carousel immortalized in Gopnik's book which kids would ride while trying to spear a ring. Remember Henri Cartier Bresson and his lovers kissing outside the Bon Marche? Place de la concorde in its ornamental beauty hides its gruesome history.
My gasp of astonishment seeing Paris spread out before me as if illuminated by candle light when the lift doors opened to reveal fairyland on the top floor of the Montparnasse will forever remain in my mind's eye.
Art deco light fixtures, rude waiters and fluffy omelets compete for my attention while I sip a Kir Royale on one of Paris's many bistro terraces...heaven!
I remember hours spent on the Champs-Élysées, the mecca of people watching . The Arc de Triumph lit up at night, pays tribute to all the men and women who gave their lives in the name of Liberté, égalité, fraternité, and while negotiating its eight tributaries...viva Gallic driving!
The list is endless, but let me end with my piece de resistance , the Tour Eiffel at night sparkling with a million fire flies…every 30 minutes.
I guess it suffices to say that this is the stuff that dreams are made of...welcome to Paris my friends. Enjoy the ride!
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