Saturday, April 9, 2011

And there's life on Mars

There’s always a first time and this one’s mine. I’ve always written about the pains us women face when it comes to the opposite sex, especially in the big bad world of dating. Guess, what this post is about the men…and their dating nightmares. For those dating veterans like Ms. Rate a date ( this might come as a bit of a surprise but it’s not any easier for the boys. I was talking to my favorite (and only) vampire today, he shall not be named as this was a pretty personal conversation and the last thing I want is to lose his super-natural friendship. Anyways, so he was saying that he tried this Internet dating malarkey and is totally put off by it. Who’d have thought that the Vampires would have the same problems eh? His pet crib was that he spent all this time writing the perfect profile, not too long or too short. Enough detail to show what an interesting guy he is.
His photo’s were vetoed by his female friends so no bloopers there either. He even went through the pains of reading the profiles of the ladies he deemed worthy and wrote openers that had to do with their pet fears …like flying…his advice, get flying classes, that should do it….Hmmm, I know I’d definitely respond to an opener like that, would you?
Yes, he followed the rules to the T. But lo behold, no one did him the courtesy of writing back to him. Bloody women eh!
As Vampires go, he is a good looking chap and yes the accent is very charming if you’re into that Meerkat thing.
My advice to him was to pick the ‘right’ type of women. Firstly, make sure she’s well travelled, accomplished, has varied interests, well read is good too the looks are pretty secondary I think (to which he agreed, hence the glowing reference). I think it’s a pretty fool-proof way to filter out the stereo-types. Pretty sound advice I thought, and given how pro-girl power I am. Another male friend say’s that its much like the real world, surprisingly enough. It’s usually the men who approach the women and not the other way round (bloody women eh!). Then there are the girls who go for the wrong types (sour grapes). And finally it’s a numbers game(if you live in the North Pole it is..and Finland I guess). My response to the ‘wrong type’ bit is usually that when we hit 30, we grow a brain so my sound advice to you gentle men is stay away from the little one’s its their time in the sun, let them play the field. Its 30 and beyond where our biological clocks take over . To the numbers game thing…I guess when you’re living in Finland it would be. There’s one woman to every 100 reindeer or some statistic like that. I guess there’s some truth in the adage ‘location, location, location!’
Take England for example we might have rubbish weather, no high speed internet, crumbling plumbing, shoe boxes for homes, rubbish collection disasters but hey, you wont find many places where has a few million subscribers and there’s someone or something for everyone.
God bless Britannia!

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