Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Spiritual mumbo jumbo and other cool stuff

Hunting the ‘what if’ monster
The ‘what if’ monster is one of nature’s darkest and fiercest creations and is commonly found in the recesses of the mind known as the fuck ups container. The ‘what if’ monster devours everything in sight, though it’s know to favor sanity and peace of mind above all else. While it lies dormant through child hood, the monster starts showing signs of life at various times in one’s life, the most common causes are known to be relationships or, the lack of, in some cases. Those prone to looking at life through rose tinted glasses tend to escape its clutches for longer than those who prefer to see half empty glasses. Its easy to recognize one who’s been afflicted with ‘what if’itis’, all one needs to look for is a flicker of self doubt, remorse or regret.. flit across a persons face followed by slumped shoulders, a sigh and a look of absolute defeat…

The feel good factor
Spiritualists all over the world are constantly battling long and hard to find the cure to the human condition or 'what ifitis', the good news there is one! The inherent negativity eats away at us like a disease. Fighting the monster is hard and tedious but not impossible. All it needs is tapping into that positive energy flow that’s in one and all of us. There’s sun shine in there folks and its all yours now reach out and grab it!
May sound like mumbo jumbo but boy does it work! Tried and tested, it does what it says on the can!
Think positive, be thankful for all the fantastic things you have in your life, sometimes its hard when life deals you a hard blow ....but no one said life was fair, it doesn't need to be, once we accept that and try to make the most of all we have, things don’t seem so bad. There’s always someone better off or worse off than us so why bother sweating the small stuff, we cant do shit about it anyways.

'Give me something to believe in' (Poison , best of ballads & blues , 2003)
I was talking to a friend of mine today who told me about the Jain spiritual ethos …we all come from nothing and go into nothing…the soul doesn't evolve from anywhere its totally transitional. Externalities don’t affect our soul, the ‘what if’ part of our existence is just that something that happens on the outside and has no bearing on you or your soul. Its done, over…you cant change it, might as well move on and make the most of what is

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